KIDS' WEEK - 2025

In order to create a solid working foundation we begin with some basic classroom instruction on: (1) water safety (2) parts of the kayak and (3) review of all essential paddle gear. We then move on to cover the basics of tides, weather and chart reading. The on-water instruction will begin with the fundamentals of paddling and then progress to rescue techniques, trip planning and more advanced paddle techniques.
All activities are planned according to the tides and weather conditions and all of the "on-water" training is conducted in protected waters.
Throughout the week, the kids will be exposed to both marine and fresh water ecosystems. The various activities and sessions will take place on Lake Gardner, Lake Attitash, Joppa Flats, Plum Island Sound and several marshes and estuaries along the Merrimack River. Eagles, herons, egrets, (all sorts of birds!) and even the occasional seal might be encountered.
Also, one full day will be completely devoted to one of the fastest growing water sports in the United States: stand-up paddle boarding!
Our basic approach is: Teach while playing and continuously evaluate and coach on an individual basis every step of the way!
Our program gives kids the opportunity to be on the water, learn how to Kayak and Stand-up Paddle, develop confidence in a group setting,
and most importantly ... HAVE FUN!!
By the end of the week, each child should possess the basic skills necessary to plan and complete a paddle (kayaking or stand-up paddle boarding) several miles long.
All our lead guides are CPR and 1st aid certified,and in the case of an emergency, they always carry 2-way radios, cell phones and medical kits.
Our staff-to-student ratio is such as to ensure safety and control at all times.

Session A
11-14 Year Old Program
(Exceptions in age can sometimes made)
Dates & Times
Week 1 Jul 14 - 18 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Week 2 Jul 28 - Aug 1 1:00 am - 4:00 pm
Cost: $350
11-14 Year Old Program
(Exceptions in age can sometimes made)
Dates & Times
Week 1 Jul 14 - 18 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Week 2 Jul 28 - Aug 1 1:00 am - 4:00 pm
Cost: $350
Session B
8-10 Year Old Program
(Exceptions in age can sometimes made)
Dates & Times
Week 1 Jul 14 - 18 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Week 2 Jul 28 - Aug 1 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Cost: $350
8-10 Year Old Program
(Exceptions in age can sometimes made)
Dates & Times
Week 1 Jul 14 - 18 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Week 2 Jul 28 - Aug 1 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Cost: $350